

English - FACULTY - Botany - Professor - 正文

Shaowu XUE

来源: 责任编辑:陈华夏 发布:2019-12-24 点击量:




Tel: 027-87288970



Research Interest:

Hydrogen sulfide has been recognized as a new signal molecule in plants. Our laboratory focuses on how signal molecules including hydrogen sulfide, nitric oxide and carbon dioxide regulation stomatal movement in Arabidopsis guard cells combined with electrophysiology, biochemistry and genetic methods. We are also curious about how hydrogen sulfide regulation on plant physiology processes. Environmental stresses such as heavy metals have adverse effect on plant growth, we apply forward genetic method to find important new genes involving heavy metal cadmium response.


B.Sc. (Shanxi),  Ph.D. (Shanxi)

Professional Experiences:

2007-2010 UC San diego, Postdoc research associate

2010-2013 Shanxi Univ.  Assistant, Associate Prof.

2013- Huazhong Agricultural Univ.

Selected Publications:

1.        Xu L#, Zhao H#, Wan R#, Liu Y, Xu Z, Tian W, Ruan W, Wang F, Deng M, Wang J, Dolan L, Luan S, Xue S*, Yi K*. Identification of vacuolar phosphate efflux transporters in land plants. Nature Plants, 5, 84–94, 2019. (*Corresponding Authors)

2.        Yu X#, Xu G#, Li B, Vespoli LS, Liu H, Moeder W, Chen S, Oliveira M, Souza SA, Shao W, Rodrigues B, Ma Y, Chhajed S, Xue S, Berkowitz GA, Yoshioka K, He P*, Shan L*. The receptor kinases BAK1/SERK4 regulate Ca2+ channel- mediated cellular homeostasis for cell death containment. Current Biology, 29(22), 3778-3790, 2019.

3.        He Y#, Li Z#, Tan F, Liu H, Zhu M, Yang H, Bi G, Wan H, Wang J, Xu R, Wen W, Zeng Y, Xu J, Guo W, Xue S, Cheng Y*, Deng X. Fatty acid metabolic flux and lipid peroxidation homeostasis maintain the biomembrane stability to improve citrus fruit storage performance. Food Chem., 292:314-324. 2019.

4.         He J#, Zhang RX#, Peng K, Tagliavia C, Li S, Xue S, Liu A, Hu H, Zhang J,  Hubbard KE, Held K, McAinsh MR, Gray JE, Kudla J, Schroeder JI, Liang YK*, Hetherington AM*. The BIG protein distinguishes the process of CO2-induced stomatal closure from the inhibition of stomatal opening by CO2. New Phytologist, 218: 232241, 2018.

5.         Wang L, Wan R, Shi Y, Xue S*. Hydrogen sulfide activates S-type anion channel via OST1 and Ca2+ modules. Molecular Plant 9, 489–491, 2016. (*Corresponding Author )

6.         Xia J#, Kong D#, Xue S#, Tian W, Li N, Bao F, Hu Y, Du J, Wang Y, Pan X, Wang L, Zhang X, Niu G, Feng X, Li L, He Y*. Nitric oxide negatively regulates AKT1-mediated potassium uptake through modulating vitamin B6 homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111(45), 16196–16201, 2014. ( #Co-first Authors)

7.         Xue S#, Hu H#, Ries A, Merilo E, Kollist H, Schroeder JI*. Central functions of bicarbonate in S-type anion channel activation and OST1 protein kinase in CO2 signal transduction in guard cells. The EMBO Journal, 30(8), 1645–1658, 2011. Evaluated by Faculty1000.

8.         Xue S, Yao X, Luo W, Jha D, Tester M, Horie T, Schroeder JI*. AtHKT1;1 mediates nernstian sodium channel transport properties in Arabidopsis root stelar cells. PLoS One, 6(9), e24725, 2011.

9.         Jin Z, Xue S, Luo Y, Tian B, Fang H, Li H, Pei Y*. Hydrogen sulfide interacting with abscisic acid in stomatal regulation responses to drought stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 62(1), 41–46, 2013.

10.     Ebe M, Kristiina L, Hu H, Xue S, Liina J, Ingmar T, Miguel GG, Pedro R, Schroeder JI, Brosche M, Kollist H*. PYR/RCARL receptors contribute to ozone-, reduced air humidity-, darkness-, and CO2-induced stomatal regulation. Plant Physiology, 162(3): 1652–1668. 2013.

11.     Brandt B#, Brodsky DE#, Xue S, Negi J, Iba K, Kangasjärvi J, Ghassemian M, Stephan A, Hu H, Schroeder JI*. CPK6 Activation, Branched ABI1 Down-regulation Mechanism, and Reconstitution of ABA Activation of SLAC1 Channel by CPK6 and OST1 Kinases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 109(26), 10593–10598, 2012.

12.     Kim TH, Hauser F, Ha F, Xue S, Bohmer M, Nishimura N, Munemasa S, Hubbard K, Peine N, Lee L, Lee S, Robert N, Parker JE, Schroeder JI*. Chemical genetics reveals negative regulation of abscisic acid signaling by a plant immune response pathway. Current Biology, 21(11), 990–997, 2011.

13.     Hu H, Boisson A, Israelsson M, Böhmer M, Xue S, Ries A, Godoski J, Kuhn JM, Schroeder JI*. Carbonic anhydrases are upstream regulators of CO2-controlled stomatal movements in guard cells. Nature Cell Biology, 12(1), 87–93, 2010. (Cover story)

14.     Yao X, Horie T, Xue S, Leung HY, Katsuhara M, Brodsky DE, Wu Y, Schroeder JI*. Differential sodium and potassium transport selectivities of the rice OsHKT2;1 and OsHKT2;2 transporters in plant cells. Plant Physiology, 152, 341–355, 2010.

15.     Siegel RS, Xue S, Murata Y, Yang Y, Nishimura N, Wang A, Schroeder JI*. Calcium elevation-dependent and attenuated resting calcium-dependent abscisic acid induction of stomatal closure and abscisic acid-induced enhancement of calcium sensitivities of S-type anion and inward-rectifying K+ channels in Arabidopsis guard cells. The Plant Journal, 59, 207–220, 2009.


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