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The 4th International Agricultural Genome Congress Held in HZAU

来源: 责任编辑:hzau 发布:2017-10-30 点击量:

Congress spot

   In the afternoon of 25th, October, the fourth international agriculture genome congress, jointly held by Nature Genetics, Nature Plants, Nature Communications, China Golden Marker Biology Technology Limit. Company and HZAU, was held at the report hall in national key laboratory of crop genetic improvement. President Deng Xiuxin, also the vice president of China Association for Science and Technology, attended this opening ceremony.

   This conference was a series meeting of NatureConference. The conference presidents were co-hosted by academician Zhang Qifa, academician Li Jiayang, academician Han Bin and Dr. Myles Axton of Nature Genetics magazine. About 36 special guests from 14 countries made a report.

   About 434 registered representatives from 15 countries such as Australia, Bengal, China, French, German, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Saudi, Singapore, Swiss, Sweden, Britain and USA attended the meeting.

   About 136 abstracts were received by the Congress Committee.

   It is believed that the agricultural production faces a severe challenge of increasing conflict among soaring population, traditional crop production mode and resource environment. The green crop breeding based on agricultural genome is gradually becoming the key way of solving problems in agricultural production.

   The meeting is focusing on the theme of less pesticide, less fertilizer, water saving, stress tolerance and optimal quality and communicating the latest research results of the agriculture genome, which devotes great importance to global food security.

   The special topics of the meeting include vital agricultural new genome technology, crop yield and quality, biotic stress and non biotic stress, high nutrient efficiency, and whole-genome breeding tool and platform.

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