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Prof. Wu Shuang Guested on Frontier Forum on Plant Biology

来源: 责任编辑:hzau 发布:2017-11-28 点击量:

In the afternoon of November 24, Prof. Wu, Shuang from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University gave a seminar (No. 65) on the frontier forum of plant biology of Life Science and Technology College of our school, titled as "Dialogue, Exchange and Common Development: Plasmodesmata-mediated Intercellular signal transduction controls plant organ development ", in the Lecture Hall of the Second Comprehensive Building.

At this meeting, Professor Wu, Shuang centered on the development of Arabidopsis root stem cells, enthusiastically told his recent research work in the past few years. He introduced the importance of intercellular communication on the cell division and differentiation during stem cell regulation. Plasmodesmata is an important bridge for cell-cell communication. He developed a system to blocked this channel and found that the lack of communication between QC and stem cells led to the disrupted peak of PLT gradient and auxin in stem cell niche, leading to differentiation of stem cells. He proposed intercellular signal communication provides relative positional information between cells in stem cell niche to direct stem cell microenvironment maintenance. RNA-seq indicates that a large number of auxin-responsive genes are regulated by intercellular signaling. In addition, he found that the SHR transcription factor moves intercellularly via plasmodesmata and SHR intercellular mobility could affect the number of cortical cells. Finally, Professor Wu Shuang shared his recent research on the structure of the casparin strip band.

The report stimulated a heated discussion between teachers and students at the seminar. Professor Wu Shuang answered the questions patiently and provided new ideas for the research topics of teachers and students.


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