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In vivo dynamics and regulation of DNA G-quadruplex structures in mammals

来源: 责任编辑:陈华夏 发布:2023-09-12 点击量:

In vivo dynamics and regulation of DNA G-quadruplex structures in mammals

Author:Ze-Hao Zhang, Sheng-Hu Qian, Dengguo Wei & Zhen-xia Chen

Cell & Bioscience. 28 June 2023. 

Abstract:G-quadruplex (G4) is a four-stranded helical DNA secondary structure formed by guanine-rich sequence folding, and G4 has been computationally predicted to exist in a wide range of species. Substantial evidence has supported the formation of endogenous G4 (eG4) in living cells and revealed its regulatory dynamics and critical roles in several important biological processes, making eG4 a regulator of gene expression perturbation and a promising therapeutic target in disease biology. Here, we reviewed the methods for prediction of potential G4 sequences (PQS) and detection of eG4s. We also highlighted the factors affecting the dynamics of eG4s and the effects of eG4 dynamics. Finally, we discussed the future applications of eG4 dynamics in disease therapy.

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