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SnRK1 stimulates the histone H3K27me3 demethylase JMJ705 to regulate a transcriptional switch to control energy homeostasis

来源: 责任编辑:陈华夏 发布:2022-04-26 点击量:

SnRK1 stimulates the histone H3K27me3 demethylase JMJ705 to regulate a transcriptional switch to control energy homeostasis

Author: Wentao Wang, Yue Lu, Junjie Li, Xinran Zhang, Fangfang Hu, Yu Zhao, Dao-Xiu Zhou

Plant Cell. 2021 Dec 3. 33(12):3721-3742

Abstract: Plant SNF1-Related Kinase1 (SnRK1) is an evolutionarily conserved energy sensing protein kinase that orchestrates transcriptional networks to maintain cellular energy homeostasis when energy supplies become limited. However, the mechanism by which SnRK1 regulates this gene expression switch to gauge cellular energy status remains largely unclear. In this work, we show that the rice histone H3K27me3 demethylase JMJ705 is required for low energy stress tolerance in rice plants. The genetic inactivation of JMJ705 resulted in similar effects as those of the rice snrk1 mutant on the transcriptome, which impair not only the promotion of the low energy stress-triggered transcriptional program but also the repression of the program under an energy-sufficient state. We show that the α−subunit of OsSnRK1 interacts with and phosphorylates JMJ705 to stimulate its H3K27me3 demethylase activity. Further analysis revealed that JMJ705 directly targets a set of low energy stress-responsive transcription factor genes. These results uncover the chromatin mechanism of SnRK1-regulated gene expression in both energy-sufficient and -limited states in plants and suggest that JMJ705 functions as an upstream regulator of the SnRK1α-controlled transcriptional network.

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